
I switched from to here

Welcome to Lichess Forums! Here we discuss, we talk and more importantly we discuss AND talk! I'm so happy a new guest has joined Lichess, and left that chesscom garbage.

@ gravija said in #2:
> @ SANTNED why?

We all know the reasons; Because chesscom is just a website for very rich people who don't know what to do with 100 $ each month, singing "ABBA - money money money". There are constantly ads to disturb the chess player and convince him desperately to buy Fanta bottles. But in Lichess, everything is free! No membership to pay every month and no "PaY To wIn" to spend money on the opening explorer! Thanks Lichess!
@WassimBerbar said in #5:
> Welcome to Lichess Forums! Here we discuss, we talk and more importantly we discuss AND talk! I'm so happy a new guest has joined Lichess, and left that chesscom garbage.
> We all know the reasons; Because chesscom is just a website for very rich people who don't know what to do with 100 $ each month, singing "ABBA - money money money". There are constantly ads to disturb the chess player and convince him desperately to buy Fanta bottles. But in Lichess, everything is free! No membership to pay every month and no "PaY To wIn" to spend money on the opening explorer! Thanks Lichess!
I agree! Those are the exact reasons to why I switched.
@WassimBerbar said in #5:
> Welcome to Lichess Forums! Here we discuss, we talk and more importantly we discuss AND talk! I'm so happy a new guest has joined Lichess, and left that chesscom garbage.
> We all know the reasons; Because chesscom is just a website for very rich people who don't know what to do with 100 $ each month, singing "ABBA - money money money". There are constantly ads to disturb the chess player and convince him desperately to buy Fanta bottles. But in Lichess, everything is free! No membership to pay every month and no "PaY To wIn" to spend money on the opening explorer! Thanks Lichess!
Don't forget to thanks the donors of Lichess. They help keep Lichess free and Ads free.
@gravija said in #2:
> @SANTNED why?

Because costs money to analyze your game more than once, and because on Lichess, because of the wacky rating system, you can finally feel good about yourself, because here a 400 will be rated as an 1100!

And SANTNED, welcome to Here at lichess, you can do anything your chess heart ever dreamt of, including unlimited analysis, a guaranteed 1500 rating if you don't play, and a better ego, in an ad-free costless website. Unlike those stupid people. This ad was sponsored by*
*For legal reasons, that was a joke.

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