
Is the story of Terasa Fidalgo real?

Recently I received a message that said:
Hi my name is Teresa Fidalgo I died 27 years ago. If you don’t send this to 20 people I will sleep by your side forever. If you don’t believe me search me up. Teresa Fidalgo. So send this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 20 days later.
I don't know whether to follow this or not. Please guide me if this is real or fake.
Um... yeah, I’d probably just ignore it. The person who sent you that most likely just wants attention.
Also was the second sentence the Google search answer? I’m a little confused there.
@Aditri_De said in #1:
> Recently I received a message that said:
> Hi my name is Teresa Fidalgo I died 27 years ago. If you don’t send this to 20 people I will sleep by your side forever. If you don’t believe me search me up. Teresa Fidalgo. So send this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 20 days later.
> I don't know whether to follow this or not. Please guide me if this is real or fake.

This is a textbook example of a chain letter on the internet (or might be considered a copypasta):

This particular one seems to be at least 9 years old, as it already made the rounds on Instagram in 2014 according to this article:

So no, it's not real, it's a made-up horror story (a sort of modern fairy tale) intended to scare you into annoying all your friends with nonsense like this. The one's sending it to you were probably tricked by it (it's very unlikely they were the original sender). The original sender is either bored and wants to see how far this nine year old message can spread in today's internet or out to scam people (messages like this can also contain links that download computer viruses, so don't click any of those please, be careful).

My best advice is to ignore nonsense like this and simply delete it. It's an emotionally manipulative waste of time at best and a scam to get your personal data/banking information/computer passwords etc. at worst. Ignore. Delete. Don't send it to other people. Go on with your day.
I ignored the message and 4 years after that covid came. I reckon it was Teresa Fidalgo's revenge.
Don't worry, as long as 20 people see your Lichess post you should be safe. Now to post it myself on a new thread...
I’d send a response like this:

“Dear Teresa,

It is so nice to hear from you again! How is Karl?
I’m sorry to hear that you died. That sounds like a real bummer! Last week, I built a birdhouse. It was fun!

I’m flattered by your offer of romance, but I am not a necrophiliac. Unfortunately, I am also not comfortable discussing necrophilia with 20 other people. Perhaps we can go see a movie together instead? I heard about this Patrick Swayze movie you might like. It’s called “ To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar”.

Anyways, it was great hearing from you. Please stay in touch—your messages always seem to brighten my day.

@LordSupremeChess said in #2:
> Um... yeah, I’d probably just ignore it. The person who sent you that most likely just wants attention.
> Also was the second sentence the Google search answer? I’m a little confused there.
No it was not google search. It was a part of the message

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