
Do not click on this thread!

You thought there was going to be a rickroll here, didn't you? Surprise: There isn't 1---get reverse-rickrolled LOL!
I knew it wasn’t rickroll, how can a forum be a rickroll? Get reverse-reverse-rickrolled XD
I mean that applesauce tacos eat a bunch of banana taxis and horseshoes swing into jelly when airplanes go brrrrrr! :D
@Shadow1414 Reverse Rickrolling:
Always coming to take me down
Always coming to not let me up
Always coming to jump across and join me

@PranavRamesh8 said in #5:
> I mean that applesauce tacos eat a bunch of banana taxis and horseshoes swing into jelly when airplanes go brrrrrr! :D
What? No!
Anti-“applesauce tacos eat a bunch of banana taxis and horseshoes swing into jelly when airplanes go brrrrrr” go brr

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