
Novelty Destroyers - Belgisch Park 2,5-1,5

The fearsome Novelty Destroyers' cup team also won their second match. It was officially a home game, but we gave the home advantage to "the Belgians". Like last year, we played in the cellar of the Ichtuskerk in Scheveningen, their home turf.
Like last year, we won with the narrowest of margins. There were a lot of ups and downs in three games. On board 1, Lars was a bit worse with white after some opening inaccuracy, but then his opponent Gerard Milort messed it up, giving Lars a winning position.
Feike masterfully outplayed Cor Kanters with black. His position was so good that had he played the 5th best move, the evaluation would still have been -14. That was too much for Feike. To make it a bit more interesting, he blundered a rook in one move instead. Indeed, it was more interesting, although with best play, Feike would still have been winning, amazingly enough. However, his opponent Cor was fighting back like a lion and eventually, as the last player still playing, Feike had to throw in the towel.
On board 3, Cesar was inspired again, adding an Ichtuskerk Immortal to his best games collection.
Nb5! was a real bone cruncher in this position.
A few moves later, 20. Ra8+! was a nice finishing touch. There followed 20... Kxa8 21. Qa1+ Kb8 22. Qa7+ Kc8 23. Qa8+ Kc7 24. b6+ 1-0
Meanwhile, I was struggling with black on board 4 in a lost position after an opening disaster and bad choices in the middle game. My only hope was that my opponent was using quite some time and getting distracted by the fireworks next to us. Suddenly, he made a couple of poor moves, wasting his advantage, and then there was a blunder of the kaliber of Feike's. Poor Noah Maurer (a 24-year-old from Germany, a new face in the HSB) dropped a knight and then the game was over.
Then, Lars was still trying to convert against Gerard. But 10 seconds increment is not a lot and even though Lars was winning, there were still rooks and queens on the board, so he had to be careful, not allowing counter play against his bare king. The winning plan for Lars was not so obvious. Lars decided to repeat the position, knowing that a draw would give the team the win.
Shortly thereafter, Cor was breaking through to Feike's king.
Good fight, see you next year, guys!

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