
🦩🦩The Flamingo Is Always There For You, a Black Rep vs 1. d4 🦩🦩

159 • Shrekmated •
  1. Enter the Flamingo
  2. Flaminzo 1 (Classical)
  3. Flaminzo 2 (Classical)
  4. Flaminzo 3 (Kmoch)
  1. Shrekmated

Refuting Hippo Systems

32 • Shrekmated •
  1. Intro, what's a hippo?
  2. Defeating the Hippo with the F&H (read: effing H) plan
  3. Another one.
  1. Shrekmated

Priyome Project

21 • Shrekmated •
  1. Bird Priyome
  2. Bird Priyome in the Nimzo
  3. Bird structure queen sacrifice
  4. Kingsindian f5 square-bind Priyome
  1. Shrekmated

Four Knights Spanish, 4...Bd6

10 • Shrekmated •
  1. Lines with 5. d3
  2. 6. Ba4
  3. 6. Bc4
  4. 6. Bxc6
  1. Shrekmated

Exchange Slav White Rep

9 • Shrekmated •
  1. Intro
  2. Tabiya
  3. 6...e6 7.Bd3 Bd6 (Improved Stonewall)
  4. 6...Bf5 with Be7
  1. Shrekmated

Be the Best against the Budapest with the TCEC Variation

8 • Shrekmated •
  1. Intro to the TCEC Variation of the Budapest Gambit
  2. TCEC Variation, 5...Nce6 6. Nc3 Bb4
  3. TCEC Variation, 5...Nce6 6. Nc3 Bc5, Variation 1
  4. TCEC Variation, 5...Nce6 6. Nc3 Bc5, Variation 2
  1. Shrekmated
  2. IsaVulpes

Analysis of Famous Games

7 • Shrekmated •
  1. Spassky, Boris V (2660) - Fischer, Robert James (2785) Game 3
  2. Robert James Fischer - Boris Spassky Game 6
  3. Mikhail Botvinnik - Mikhail Tal
  4. Vassily Ivanchuk - Artur Yusupov
  1. subielife
  2. grandmaster_btw
  3. Shrekmated
  4. NoseKnowsAll

1.d4 Sidelines, A Classical Response by Black

6 • Shrekmated •
  1. Londey
  2. CarriCarri - Shrekmated
  3. Londey (alt)
  4. Torre
  1. Shrekmated
  2. onlinechesssucks
  3. Guy99
  4. pd159

Bassem's Games in the KIA Sicilian

6 • Shrekmated •
  1. Bassem Amin - Sergei Lobanov
  2. Bassem Amin - Aman Hambleton
  3. Bassem Amin - Sandro Mareco
  1. Shrekmated

h6, g5! Hack Attack, or Principled Play?

6 • Shrekmated •
  1. 4 Knights Italian
  2. Pianissimo with h3, Bb3, Re1
  3. Pianissimo with h3, Nbd2 and Re1
  4. Pianissimo with h3, Bb3 and Nbd2
  1. Shrekmated

Open Catalan for Black, 6...dxc4, lines from FM Andrii Punin (Chess Fan MWP)

6 • Shrekmated •
  1. Intro
  2. 7.Ne5 Nc6! 8.Bxc6-part 1
  3. 7.Ne5 Nc6! 8.Bxc6-part 2
  4. 7.Ne5 Nc6! 8.Bxc6-part 3
  1. CM ChuckPhil
  2. Shrekmated
  3. NoseKnowsAll

An Opening Repertoire against 1.e4, Yusupov's Build Up Your Chess, Beyond the Basics, Chapter 17

5 • Shrekmated •
  1. 3. d4 diagram 17-1
  2. 3. Nxe5 diagram 17-7
  3. 3. Nxf7 (Self-Analysis)
  4. 17-1
  1. Shrekmated
  2. kaygunn

Nakhmanson Refuted

5 • Shrekmated •
  1. Starting Position
  2. 7. Qe2+
  3. 7. Re1+
  4. 7. Nd5
  1. Shrekmated

Lichess4545 Season 33

4 • Shrekmated •
  1. gabrahmad (2268) - Shrekmated (2357)
  2. Shrekmated (2366) - Magagna (2145)
  3. Shrekmated (2372) - chessyesmen (2197)
  4. ani85 (2160) - Shrekmated (2374)
  1. TheOnoZone
  2. blindAdrenaline
  3. Shrekmated
  4. IsaVulpes

Neo-Arkhangelsk Ruy Lopez (and other Bc5's in the Ruy Lopez)

3 • Shrekmated •
  1. Ruy Lopez, 5...Bc5, 6...b5
  2. Ruy Lopez, 6...0-0
  3. Ruy Lopez, 6...Ba7
  1. Shrekmated
  2. Rise


3 • Shrekmated •
  1. Tabiya
  2. 7.e4, 9.Nc4
  3. 7.e4, 9.c3 (1)
  4. 7.e4, 9.Qe2, 10.c3
  1. Shrekmated
  2. LeafOnOurOnion