
France 24 -- What Ukraine has done is Remarkable

A nuclear war is not acceptable.

It will end in the end of life for all people, and almost all life life.

You know this.
@mixK9 said in #21:
> A nuclear war is not acceptable.
> It will end in the end of life for all people, and almost all life life.
> You know this.
but if he attacked a nato country they would fight.

so a nuclear war is acceptable for nato, but not for another country?

thats clearly bs.
You are attacking anyone and everyone out of frustration.
There are several thousands of Americans fighting in Ukraine, but they are volunteers, and even that is a big risk.
Stop attacking your friends.

The longer you post like this in any case, it is less and less likely you are in favor of Ukraine in any way whatsoever, because you advocating suicide for the whole globe.
@mixK9 said in #23:
> You are attacking anyone and everyone out of frustration.
> There are several thousands of Americans fighting in Ukraine, but they are volunteers, and even that is a big risk.
> Stop attacking your friends.
> The longer you post like this in any case, it is less and less likely you are in favor of Ukraine in any way whatsoever, because you advocating suicide for the whole globe.

And stop talking, according to the rules of neutral countries, you are forbidden to send war material.

so its already a declaration of war.

they are no friends otherwise they would send soldiers.
according to wikipedia responsibility of neutral countries

A neutral power must intern belligerent troops who reach its territory,[9] but not escaped prisoners of war.[10] Belligerent armies may not recruit neutral citizens,[11] but they may go abroad to enlist.[12] Belligerent armies' personnel and materiel may not be transported across neutral territory,[13] but the wounded may be.[14] A neutral power may supply communication facilities to belligerents,[15] but not war materiel,[16] although it need not prevent export of such materiel.[17]

so you are just being intellectually dishonest and extremly aggressive for someone who has got his facts wrong. @ mixK

please bs someone else
so therefore they already declared war. no excuse for not sending troops if you really care about justice and its not just empty talk.
And where is @MaugliUA, my friend?

Any case don't pretend you support the Ukraine.

You are obviously trolling.
@WarrenBuffet1 said in #20:
> i think if you do basically nothing you have forfeited the right to pretend to care.
> when obviously no1 seems to care

I do!

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