
Search "user:joddle"

25 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Weird game#3

Impressive – very clean game

General Chess Discussion - How long does it take to "get good"?#139

@krobbi cool to see a fellow data scientist here! i admire the work the author put into their study and i didn't want to be too nit picky about the author's analysis but there's lots of issues using o…

General Chess Discussion - How long does it take to "get good"?#131

The quality of the time you spend on chess matters too, not just the amount of time you play. The hard reality is that playing short time controls online won't improve your chess understanding beyond …

Off-Topic Discussion - Best war movies, pre-1970#25

The Great Escape (1963)

Game analysis - What Would you Play on Move 14#7

In a 3+0 blitz game, I would probably briefly analyze 14.Qa4 and see that black cannot stop me from taking a7 next because 14...Qd7 15.Nxa7, and then go for it. As with many puzzles, when you know the…

General Chess Discussion - How I got over my 16 loss streak.#6

The way I try to avoid tilting is to play only a few games at a time everyday and study my losses.

General Chess Discussion - Other-The-Board Tournaments#6

Given your rapid and classical ratings, there is no way you would lose every single game. There's nothing wrong with being a beginner either— everyone has to start from somewhere.

General Chess Discussion - Grandmasters are overrated#19

I don't get the point of the title except to attract attention. You're comparing accomplishments for different things in chess. Why should it be a surprise that IMs, FMs, NMs and the occasional untitl…

Lichess Feedback - Rating problem#2

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General Chess Discussion - Question about high rated bullet/blitz players?#7

Personally, I started playing chess from a young age, but probably hindered my improvement substantially by playing mostly bullet and blitz online, and hardly ever focusing on tournament or classical …
